~All stones are handpicked by me and are smudged with sage before reaching their new homes~
Carnelian - Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment - yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It relates to the Sacral Chakra.
Sacral Chakra - It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. The function of the sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life through the senses. The sacral chakra allows us to “feel” the world around and in us. As such, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of our feeling of well-being.
*Note: Crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information*
Carnelian - Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment - yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It relates to the Sacral Chakra.
Sacral Chakra - It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. The function of the sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life through the senses. The sacral chakra allows us to “feel” the world around and in us. As such, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of our feeling of well-being.
*Note: Crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information*